Monday, August 02, 2010

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

This evening Outreach, LGBT organization hosts a Cancer Networking Group, known at “Gilda’s Club.” – a networking group for people who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or an ally of the LGBT community and want a safe space to share about their cancer connection. They will meet on the first Wednesday of each month at 6:00. For details call 255-8582.

This evening Madison Public Library’s Lakeview branch hosts a drop-in knitting group for people who wish to quote “learn at new craft” or “work on that unfinished project.” This is at 6:30 in the Community Room of 2845 North Sherman Avenue. Call 247-4547 for details.

Today participants can see free-flying butterflies of all kinds while meandering through Olbrich Garden’s Bolz Conservatory. This is at 3330 Atwood Avenue daily 10:00 to 4:00 through August 8. Call 246-4550 for details.

The Insurgent Radio Kiosk is a five minute pre-recorded segment featuring a commentary, this-day-in-history, and a calendar of daily events. Events must be low cost or non-profit and of interest to people in and around the WORT listening area. They also should interest people who other media might not highlight. Mail announcements at least one week before the event to the Kiosk at WORT-fm, 118 South Bedford Street, Madison, Wisconsin or e-mail

"The Wheelchair Recycling Program offers low cost, refurbished mobility and medical equipment to people that may not have the resources to obtain new. This can include wheelchairs, walkers, bath items, grab bars and other assistive equipment for purchase. There are offices in Madison and the Greater-Milwaukee area. Contact or 608-243-1785 for details.

Low cost spayings and neuterings for dogs and cats are available through the Dane County Humane Society. There are various times and prices and they include an FVRCP vaccine. Caretakers of feral or free-roaming cats can be helped as well. Call 838-0413 extension 103 for an appointment or details.


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