Sunday, August 16, 2009

Monday, August 17, 2009

Tomorrow morning an instructor from Madison School Community Recreation (MSCR) leads older people with aches and pains in gentle exercise. This includes stretching and breath awareness which may be done using a chair or standing. This is at 10:00 in the Romnes Apartments, 540 West Olin Avenue. Call 204-3023 for details. There is a moderate registration fee.

Mornings adults sixty or older may get lunch. This is at 11:30 on weekdays in venues throughout Madison. A donation is requested. Call 251-8405 by noon the day before for details or to reserve a meal.

Dane County Friends of Ferals is seeking rural outdoor homes for altered feral and semi-feral cats. This will avoid euthanasias. They and the Dane County Humane Society relocate them on farms. They occupy feral cat territory but don’t breed. They are all tested, vaccinated, dewormed and fixed. For details call 467-4067.

Parental Stress Center, a parental help agency, needs volunteers for a number of positions. They include childcare, food service, and office assistants and Stressline volunteers. Training is provided. Call 241-4888 for details.

The Women and Infant Children (WIC) Nutrition program offers a wide variety of services, food and nutrition information to help keep pregnant and breastfeeding women, infants and children under five years of age healthy and strong. For details call 267-1111.

The Rape Crises Center is a non-profit community organization for people who need support and information after experiencing or being close to someone sexual assaulted in the past or recently. This includes survivors of rape or incest. For services and twenty- four hour crises intervention call 251-7273. To volunteer call 251-5126.


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