Monday, September 17, 2012

Wednesday, September 19th, 2012

THE HISTORY OF September 19th, I'm___________________ .

And I'm ___________________ . Today in 1952: the United States bars film pioneer Charles Chaplin from re-entering the country after a trip to England, where he presented his film, "Limelight". A product of London slums, Chaplin has been the United States’ greatest success story. But his movies, especially "Modern Times", which satirized the dehumanization of people in the mass production of objects, have aroused government suspicion, and agents have been assigned to watch him.

The media, meanwhile, are hounding him for his political activities and private life, making his life in the United States intolerable. Chaplin and his family will retire to a Swiss chateau. There he will comment: "America is so terribly grim in spite of all that material prosperity. They no longer know how to weep. Compassion and the old neighborliness have gone, people stand by and do nothing when friends and neighbors are attacked, libelled and ruined."

Wednesday, September 19th, 2012

It’s Today’s Action Calendar!

Tonight, the film "The Power of Community: How Cuba Survived Peak Oil" will be shown. This screening is part of series co-sponsored by the Economic Democracy Collaborative, the Madison Institute, and Peregrine Forum of Wisconsin in preparation for the Economic Democracy Conference to be held at Madison College in October. Tonight’s film is at 7pm in the Grand Hall at the Capitol Lakes Retirement Center, 333 West Main Street. For more info, call 608-442-8399.

Also tonite, there is a Volunteer Advocate Training at the Workers Rights Center.  If you are interested in volunteering at the WRC, or just want to know more about your rights, you will learn about basic labor laws that cover workers in Wisconsin and some of the strategies and tactics that the WRC uses to help workers protect their rights. This will be at 6pm at 2300 South Park Street,  room 115. For more info, email or call 255-0376

Tonight, learn more about Disability Pride Celebrations and about how YOU can help make this happen in Madison. This is tonight from 5 to 7pm at Access to Independence, 3810 Milwaukee Street. The meeting is wheelchair accessible and will be ASL interpreted. To increase accessibility for all, please refrain from wearing any scented products. For more info, email or call Sara at 695-0551.


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