Monday, May 08, 2006

May 8

Monday evening the Madison Infoshop Collective holds a meeting for people who would like to keep their community resource center and activist freespace open and lively. That’s at 6:00 in 1019 Williamson Street. Call 262-9036 for details.

Monday evening on WORT’s Access Hour the host is Kristin Buras. Born and raised in New Orleans, she recently returned there to visit family. She will present a show about the city. It will include a mix of political commentary, phone interviews, spoken word poetry and music. That’s at 7:100. Call 256-2001 for details.

Domestic Abuse Intervention Services is a non-profit agency dedicated to ending violence in the lives of domestic abuse victims and their children. They are currently looking for volunteers. Call 251-1237 for details.

The Community Action Coalition, Food Co-op, helps people increase their food budget. For a small advanced fee, participants receive fresh food worth at least twice as much money. There are various pick-up dates and places, throughout Madison. Call Ken at 246-4730, extension 205 for details.

Briarpatch seeks volunteers to work with teens in crises, either by answering the crises line, providing emergency shelter or, acting as family counselors. Some positions may require training. Call 251-6211 for details.

The Community Law Project provides free legal services to low-income Dane County residents. They can provide legal assistance in landlord and tenant disputes, Public benefit, or un-paid wages disputes. They are at 2300 South Park Street. Call 260-8221 for details.


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