Tuesday, April 25, 2006

April 25

Tuesday morning the Madison Children’s Museum features Kathleen Madden leading toddlers in games and other physical activities to strengthen gross motor skills. It is in 100 State Street at 9:30. Call 256-6445 for details.

Tuesday at noon on WORT’s A Public Affair host Willy Becker talks with political scientist Elizabeth Hull who has just published a book entitled "The Disenfranchisement of Ex-Felons." It asserts that without the disenfranchising of almost five million United States citizens, predominantly people of color, Bush would not be President and neither house of Congress would be controlled by hard-line right-wingers. Call 256-2001 for details.

Tuesday evening the Peregrine Forum shows the first part of Peter Watkin’s documentary, "La Commune". It depicts the Paris Commune’s creation in 1871 when the Paris working class rose establishing the world's first "workers state". It was abruptly ended by the French bourgeois regime in the notorious "Bloody Week" of early May. This is in the Escape Java Joint, 916 Williamson Street at 6:00. Call 442-8399 for details.
Tuesday evening Students for a Free Tibet continues a week of cultural events, speakers, and film screenings. This evening a panel of local Tibetans dialogue with the audience relaying their experiences in Tibet and in exile. The featured speaker is Sherab C. Phunkyi, former President of the Wisconsin Tibetan Association. That’s at 6:00 in room B302 Birge Hall. Call 262-873-0102 for details.

Tuesday evening the Madison Area Peace Coalition (or MAPC) that organizes a broad-based movement to inform public opinion and promote United States government policies that truly further peace, justice, and freedom in the world holds a meeting. On the agenda is planning activities in the Madison area to promote peace. This is at 6:30 in the Wil-mar Neighborhood Center, 953 Jenifer Street. Call 242-9232 for details.

Tuesday evening the Havens Center Spring 2006 Visiting Scholars Program and others present Mustafa Barghouthi a medical doctor with the Palestinian Medical Relief Society, a non-profit non-governmental organization that provides health services to over one million Palestinians. He will speak on "The Reality of the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict". This is at 7:00 in room 1100 of Grainger Hall, 975 University Avenue. Call 262-1420 for details.


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