Monday, February 15, 2010

Monday, February 15, 2010

Tomorrow morning there is the tenth Annual Interfaith Coalition of Worker Justice Faith Labor Breakfast. It is in the Bethany United Methodist Church, 3910 Mineral Point Road at 8:00. Call 255-0376 for details.

Tomorrow at noon the Wisconsin Democracy Campaign and others hold a rally and march to protest the Supreme Court’s decision in the case “Citizens United versus Federal Election Commission.” This is on the west steps of the State Capitol building. Call 255-4260 for details.

Today at noon on WORT’s A Public Affair host Norm Stockwell speaks with Jeremy Rifkin with his new book "The Empathic Civilization." Call 256-2001 for details.

The Insurgent Radio Kiosk is a five minute pre-recorded segment featuring a commentary, this-day-in-history, and a calendar of events for the day. To be included events must be low cost or non-profit and of interest to people in and around the WORT listening area. It also should interest people who other media might not highlight such as, older people, youngsters, women and people of alternative genders. Mail announcements at least one week before the event to the Kiosk at WORT-fm, 118 South Bedford Street, Madison, Wisconsin or e-mail

On-going Olbrich Botanical Gardens Bolz Conservatory features an exhibit entitled, “chocolate.” The exhibit highlights the journey from the cacao tree seeds (also known as cocoa beans) to chocolate. This is at 3330 Atwood


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