Saturday, January 30, 2010

Monday, February 1, 2010

This evening at the “Worker Rights Center” there is an “Immigration Reform Coalition” Meeting. This is at 6:00 in 2300 South Park Street. Call 255-0376 for details.

This evening on “WORT’s Access Hour” the “Notorious Canary Trainers” return to quote ‘exclaim and rejoice in their appreciation of the efforts of master detective’, “Sherlock Holmes”. This is at 7:00. Call 256-2001 for details.

Tomorrow morning there is a public hearing to discuss proposed changes to relax state laws on new nuclear reactors. These are part of comprehensive “Clean Energy Jobs Act” Assembly Bill 649. This is at 10:00 in Room 412 East of the State Capitol building, 17 West Mifflin Street. Call 250-9240 for details.

On-going Olbrich Botanical Gardens Bolz Conservatory features an exhibit entitled, “chocolate.” The exhibit highlights the journey from the cacao tree seeds (also known as cocoa beans) to chocolate. This is at 3330 Atwood Avenue daily at various times till March twenty-first. Call 246-4550 for details.

Briarpatch seeks volunteers to work with teens in crises, either by answering the crises line, providing emergency shelter, or, acting as family counselors. Some positions may require training. Call 251-6211 for more information or to volunteer.

Dane County Friends of Ferals volunteers are dedicated to bettering the future of feral cats. Their mission is to establish a no-kill standard and promote the value and well-being of Dane County area feral cats. Call 467-4067 for details.


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